House of Calisthene Capitulo II: Quid Pro Quo?
A Roman household hosts a lavish party with greek mythology as theme. The guests are invited to an evening of luxury and games in homage to the famous myths and gods of ancient Greece.
During this performance, some of the principle characters of the Tarquinii household reappear, while a closer look will be offered toward the mysterious events surrounding Cornelia’s disappearance on the day of the wedding ceremony.
Calisthene is a group exhibition of three artists: Faysal Mroueh, Charlott Weiseand Daniel Vorthuys.
Upon the walls of an ancient Cretan palace, The Bull-leaping Fresco shows athletes leaping over bulls by grabbing onto their horns. The athletic regimes and fashions of Ancient Greek myth form the basis of the artists’ collaboration. This Retrospective flirts dramatically with Antiquity and the shape of its survival inside the Western Art imagination.
Calisthene may refer to a form of excercise, usually performed without apparati, by which strength and flexibility are developed. The show is divided into different rooms that together comprise a decor. Each location represents a place in Calisthene; a bathhouse, a gymnasium; an open space, garden, and a smaller intimate room. The installation will show a fusion of the artists’ works within a decor; murals, costume, and music; the opening performance will bring the space to life.
Cornelia Nexius
Cornelia is part if the Nexii, a class of former slaves who are patroned by the Tarquinii played by Semna Segal.
Youngest son of the Tarquinii, known by his friends as Haec Vir for his Egyptian manners. Marcus is Cornelia’s boyfriend played by Benjamin Francis van der Burg.
High Priest of the Galli, a sect of eunuch priests from Phyrgia, host of the Ribbon Ceremony and notorious wedding planner played by Daniel Vorthuys.
Commentators I and II
Voice of Jacob Dwyer.
Helena, Ribboned Model #I
Spartan Lady, Renowned beauty played by Rosie Voorthuis.
Achilles, Ribboned Model #II
Fierce warrior played by Charlott Weise.
Artemis, Ribboned Model #III
Goddess of the Hunt played by Rita Correia.
Jason, Ribboned Model #IV
Retriever of the Golden Fleece, Captain of the Argonauts played by Maria Pisiou.
Cornelia, Ribboned Model #V
The only Roman Model.
Jason of Rhodes
Bard played by Faysal Mroueh.
2nd Bard played by Joshua Voorthuis.
Officer of the Crossroads Played by Mikel Orphée
The exhibition is supported by:
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Stichting Stokroos
M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting
Fonds Kwadraat
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Arti et Amicitiae
Stichting WTMW
and other funds / foundations that wish to remain anonymous
01. 06. 2019 – 23. 06. 2019
(09. 06. 2019 closed due to Pentecost)
23. 06. 2019 (Sunday)
4 p.m.
Faysal Mroueh
Daniel Vorthuys
Charlott Weise
Mikel Orphée
Faysal Mroueh
Daniel Vorthuys
Charlott Weise
Overall programme information:
Opening hours:
Tuesday – Sunday from 12 to 18 o’clock.
Entrance: € 3,00
Address and contact details:
Arti et Amicitiae
Rokin 112
1012 LB Amsterdam
tel: 020-6245134
image(s) website:
Immaterialsss / Ana Gzirishvili
Charlott Weise
Franzi Mueller Schmidt
Thank you:
Polina Reznychenko (couturier)
Anna Riley-Shepard (choreography)
Christopher Mahon (actor)
Alison Yip (mural assistant)
Vanessa Disler (mural assistant)
Joshua Voorthuis
Rosie Voorthuis
Elisabeth Mesnier (make-up artist)
Ana Gzirishvili (animator/designer)
Dan Walwin (camera)
DINAMO (typeface)
Camille Niessen (code)
Gijsje Heemskerk
Hans Kuiper
PJ Bruyniks
Morgan Courtois (perfume)
Bea McMahon
Maciej Beczek (actor)
Rita Correia (actress)
Maria Pisiou (choreography)
Sarah Jonker (actress)
Eva Kijlstra (actress)
Benjamin Francis van der Burg (actor)
Jip Lemmens (translator)
Anthony Nestel (camera)
Franzi Mueller Schmidt (photography)
Gunnar Gunnsteinsson (sound)
Jacob Dwyer
Semna Segal (actress)
and others yet to be announced